Best Facial massage steps.
TO massage the face, rub softly to upturn the flesh and make the cheeks round; or, if a double chin or superfluous flesh is to be removed, rub powerfully to wear away the fat by friction.
Besides impacting the contour, massaging is to smooth away wrinkles by holding the surface smooth and working to strengthen the cords, not to pull them down.
It is a fact always to be thought that the tendency of flesh on the face is to droop downward with age, so all muscles and cords must be rubbed up, to prevent their extending.
Before massaging the face wash it thoroughly with hot water, not only to remove all dust but to open the pores, getting them ready to absorb the unguent.
Then the fingers are dipped into the cream, and work may begin at the forehead, rubbing it even all the time, while using a rotary motion, always with the upward part of the stroke firmer than the downward.
The cheeks are handled in a rotary fashion, and so are the temples, while the chin must be given full attention.
Around the corners of the eyes, only the tip of one finger may be used, trying with each motion to smooth away the lines.
Under the throat, the stroke must be hard and forceful, going up toward the ears in order not to cause the flesh to gather under the chin point.
In these motions, the fingers may slide over the skin without pulling, and also benefit the tissue, a lotion or cream should be applied.
Just which should choose depends upon the original condition of the face: if too fat, an astringent lotion would be best; if thin, a flesh-making cream may be used.
For an astringent an ounce of pure gum benzoin, dissolved in half a pint of pure alcohol is excellent. It is also bleaching.
A flesh-making cream, which may be used when the face is thin, is made from two and a half ounces of lanoline, a quarter of an ounce of spermaceti, two and a half ounces of freshly tried mutton tallow, two ounces each of coconut oil and oil of sweet almonds, half a dram of tincture of benzoin, and ten drops of oil of neroli.
To mix the ingredients, melt the lanoline, spermaceti, and mutton tallow in a china basin, and set in a dish of hot water. Do not let the fats become hot.
As they soften add the oils, remove from the heat, and beat, slowly adding the benzoin and neroli.
This should be a cream when cold. A less elaborate cream is composed of thirty grams of lanoline and twenty grams of sweet oil.
These two are melted, as told for the foregoing cream, and when liquid one-half a gram of tannin is beaten in.
Any of these is applied in the same way. It takes at least fifteen minutes to massage the face, and a long time may be given.
At the close of the treatment, cold water should be dashed over the flesh to tighten and harden the skin, which has become soft from rubbing.
The FACIAL massage consists of the manipulation of the flesh in such a manner that the tissues and muscles are stimulated and the surface circulation increased, so the ultimate effect strengthens and reinforces against the ravages of age and weather.
To accomplish these results both rubbing and kneading are necessary. For the former movement the fingers must slip over the skin firmly and evenly, and at the same time must work the muscles below the surface.
Before the beginning of either process, the face must be washed, preferably with warm water, that the pores will be in a receptive condition for the soothing agent that is applied.
Generally, cold cream is best, but if there is prejudice against it an astringent lotion or plain rose water may be substituted.
The principal object is to use some emollient to prevent the fingers from sticking and bruising the skin.
Whatever application is chosen must be rubbed in large quantities over the flesh, and then the skin is in condition to treat.
Throughout this treatment it must be remembered that the object is to smooth as well as to strengthen the flesh; also that under no conditions must the muscles be pulled down.
As a rule, the rotary motion is best, which is merely rubbing in a circular fashion, making the upward sweep harder than the downward.
Cheeks, chin, nose, and temples require this stroke. The forehead should be smoothed if it is lined, otherwise it, too, will take the rotary treatment. About the nose, rubbing is done up and down, working into a rotary movement with the tips of two fingers when the region about the eye is reached.
To prevent or reduce a double chin both hands must be used at the same time, beginning at the point of the chin and rubbing up hard toward either ear. For the throat, circular movement is most effective.
For this motion all the fingers of both hands are required, while the thumbs are used as braces, being firmly placed so they make the finger work stronger. It is only when ' 'kneading" that the thumbs actually work. Then they are needed to take up the flesh in large rolls, working and gently pinching it. ,
It is well to begin massage in the cheeks, starting with a small circle that is increased to extend over the entire face.
During this process the thumbs may be placed under the jawbones, working up with a rotary motion until the position under the eye is reached when only two fingers are required. Continuing, the temples should be reached next.
From there work on the chin, and then rub hard, and always up, along with the jawbones, and under them, to the ears.
The operation will take at least half an hour, and should be done sitting before a mirror. At the close, there should be a distinct sensation of glow in the face, and bright color. Washing in warm and then cold water is done.
Massage is better not done often than once a week.
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