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Monday, June 21, 2021

Fun Facts about Human Eyes. Interesting+Amazing you will enjoy.

 ‘’Eyes’’ The amazing organ in your body that not only reflects your emotions and feelings but also reveals your soul. These are fun facts about eyes, you will enjoy.
In this article, you will know odd, interesting and many fun facts about eyes.
Let’s Discover.


Fun Facts About Eyes.

1.  Thousands can see the same object at the same time. That seems nothing extraordinary,  yet really it is a  miracle!

2. It is only possible because in the wonderful scheme of things an object throws off from its surface Millions of rays in all directions.

3.  Each person, according to his position, seizes literally, one of these rays, and travels along with it, ocularly, to the object. 

4.   The eye is Pained by a sudden light Why?  It is because the nerves of the eye are burdened with rays before the pupils have had time to contract and receive them.

5.  Again, if we leave a well-lighted room and go into the street that everything seems much darker than it actually is.

6.That because the eye pupils, contracted indoors, have not had time to dilate and catch the lesser rays outside. 

7.“Getting used to the dark” is merely waiting for the pupils to dilate.

8.Cats, owls, and tigers see in the dark because they have the power of enlarging at will the pupils of their eyes, and thus collect all the scattered rays of light there are,  which are present even in “darkness”.

9.Do we know why we can see ourselves in a mirror? It is not because the mirror is a mirror, but because the rays of light from our face, striking against the glass, and unable to pass through it because of the “backing”, are thrown back again to our eyes. They rebound, in short.

10.With two eyes we apparently ought to see double, and we do! But the two images fall on the two retinae simultaneously and are combined in one. There's more in the eye than one would think!

11.An Ordinary man, bent on deception, flinches his eyes if someone looks him “straight in the eyes”. The expert rogue, however, will not.

12.The unsteady eye-that is, the eye that jerks rapidly from eye to eye when the owner is excited or accused of a crime-does not express guilt, as often believed.

13. In nine cases out of ten, it is a sign of honesty and an unsettled mind.
If you size the distance between your eyes you will possibly find that it is the breadth of one eye.

14. If by chance your eyes are farther apart than that you are possibly very intellectual and have a tenacious memory.

 15. Eyes that are very close together very often signify a deceitful, cunning nature.
Blue eyes are considered to possess more attractions than eyes of any other color.

16. Among the Greeks and Romans of classic times, girls possessing eyes of this color found great favor among men.

17. There are, of course, several kinds of blue eyes, and physiognomists declare that the pure blue eye while denoting a sincere, honest nature, is seldom possessed by a person with large intellectuality.

18.On the other hand, the large, clear blue eye indicates not only great mental power but sincerity and honesty.

19.The eye which is half blue and gray, and is absent of orange specks denotes a practical and pure mind, but the china-blue eye, when it is glassy and unchanging, is generally a sign that the owner is of cold and selfish nature.

20.This eye is generally the property of criminals.

21.There are no eyes that are coal black. What is called black eyes are of a Very dark brown, and as a rule, they are possessed by men and women who are constant in their affections and perfectly honest in all the business they undertake.

22. Dark brown eyes, which, while sparkling, are very shifty, denote that the owners are selfish, unscrupulous, and of a cruel disposition.

23. Light brown eyes express deceitfulness and lack of Imagination, while the small, penetrating brown eye, of medium shade, is a sign of & mercurial nature, vivaciousness, and deceitfulness.

24. It has been declared that all clever men and women look upon the world with gray eyes.

25. That there is a considerable amount of truth In this statement can be gathered from the fact that a large proportion of living writers and artists have eyes of grey, and that among great ones of the past whose eyes were of this color were Shakespeare, Coleridge, Byron, Charlotte Bronte, Wilkie Collins, George Eliot, and Charles Reade.

26.Gray eyes, by the way, denote creative temperament, but not always honest. What novelists and poets term the cold, gray eye is considered to be a sign of selfishness and cruelty, though it often denotes shrewdness and talent.

27. Very clever people whose eyes are gray generally have small spots of orange in the iris around the pupil.

28.Eyes of any color with weak brows and long, concave lashes are indicative of a weak constitution.

29. People of melancholic temperament rarely have clear blue eyes.

30.The chameleon is almost the only reptile provided with an eyelid.

31.Eyes with long, sharp coroners Indicate great discernment and penetration.

32.The utility of shedding tears is to keep the eyes cool, though the balance of the head may be hot.

33.The iris of the eye is rarely of one color but commonly mottled with black, orange, yellow, gray, or all common.

34.It seldom happens that both eyes are exactly alike. An examination with a magnifying glass usually discovers many differences between the two.

35.A red object is not nearly so visible at a distance as one of white. 

36.A red globe a foot in diameter can be perceived clearly only at a distance of 8000 feet, and a blue glass a little farther.

37. It is said that the prevailing colors of eyes among patients of lunatic asylums are brown or black.

38.Brown eyes are said by oculists to be the strongest.

39. The eyes should not be used in weakness or sickness.

40. .Unsteady eyes, rapidly jerking from side to side, are frequently indicative of an unsettled mind.

41. The ostrich is believed to see objects behind him as well as those in front.

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