This article contains eyes, lips, nose beauty tips, and nose care. You will get a stunningly beautiful face.
1. Bright eyes beauty tips.
1. BODILY disturbances, fatigue, and any worry or mental strain show quickly in the eyes in loss of luster and sparkle. Dark circles underneath.
2. While sometimes due to physical conditions are more likely to be caused by late hours and lack of sleep. How many people give their eyes a daily bath? To be sure, the lids protect the eyes from considerable dust and dirt, but some are sure to remain.
3. Besides cleansing, daily bathing will help tired eye muscles to relax and soothe one. Use an eye-cup and a prepared eye-wash, or boric acid solution with warm water.
4. After a day of nervous tension, when you know without being told that your eyes look dull and tired, try hot compresses of absorbent cotton, replacing as fast as they cool; continue the process for at At least fifteen minutes.
5. End up with cold compresses and see what a difference it will make, not only in your feelings but in your looks as well.
6. For wrinkles on the lids and around the eyes, a nourishing cream applied each night, an astringent, or muscle oil will do much if the treatment is pursued faithfully.
7. The shape of the eyebrows and the length of the lashes contribute to eye beauty. We are luckily recovering from the trying fashion of plucked eyebrows, for, in the struggle to achieve eyebrows beautifully arched, they have sometimes been reduced to a mere pencil line, giving a hard and vacant appearance to the face.
8. One must not be guilty, however, of allowing any long or wild hairs to remain, for these are what give an uneven, shaggy look and glowering expression to the brows.
9. If these long hairs are present, they may be removed or the entire eyebrows thinned by tweezing out one hair at a time.
10. Before plucking, apply hot compresses to soften and open the pores; using the tweezers, be sure to pull in the direction in which the hair grows. After removal, use cold cream or a soothing lotion. If the eyes are small, beware of plucked eyebrows.
11. An aid to eyebrow grooming is an eyebrow brush. Brush the eyebrows up first, then brush along the top toward the outer corner of the eye.
12. Eyebrow cream will help to train them in the way they should go. Eyebrows that are dark and full along the entire line do not need darkening, but if this portion of the face appears weak, the careful use of a pencil will help.
13. Eye shadow is used to add size and depth to the eyes, but careful experimenting must be done with this in connection with the color of clothing worn and also with general lighting effects. since these sometimes change the appearance of the make-up.
14. There are now on the market preparations for promoting the growth of eyelashes that are scraggly and thin.
2. Lips Beauty care tips for dark lips .
1. Fatigue is not apparent in the nose as in the eyes and mouth, but bodily disturbances in the way of pimples or blackheads often show themselves first on the nose.
2. Application of a good cleansing cream followed by laundering with soap and warm water, then rinse with cold water or the use of an astringent, to close the pores, and finally, a dusting with powder will transform a shiny nose very quickly.
3. Although the results of this treatment will be only temporary. For more, permanent results. one must go back to the general condition of health.
4. Watch Your Mouth and Lips There is certainly plenty to be said on the appearance of the mouth and lips. Cupid's bows and rosy lips are easily acquired at the corner drug store in the form of lipstick and paste rouge, the latter the same as that used for the face.
5. The lipstick, however, continues to be the more popular of the two, possibly because of its convenience and also because it does not color the fingers.
6. But whether stick or paste, a correct and becoming color is essential. In using lipstick first moisten the lips slightly with cream, then work from the inside out, and blend the color gradually to the edge of the lips.
7. There are certainly other things to be looked after in this daily care of the mouth and lips. Many lips need frequent applications of cream to keep them soft and flexible, and if one is to be out in a hot, drying wind or in extreme cold, an application of the cream will serve as protection.
8. Never bite the lips. If loose skin is annoying, it means that the skin is dry and brittle and that a good nourishing cream is needed to supply fats and oils.
9. Colorless lips go back to poor circulation or other bodily conditions. A happy expression of the mouth will do far more for its beauty than the use of lipstick or applications of cream.
10. No one approves of a grin like a Cheshire cat, however, nor are the corners of the mouth obliged to turn up always and eternally.
11. A large mobile mouth may easily be as beautiful as a tiny rosebud one. A mouth may express kindness and sympathy just like the look of calm.
steady eyes inspire others with confidence. These are characteristics not attainable by the use of any beauty preparations.
3. Nose beauty Tips and Nose Care.
THE nose, which is so necessary to the tout ensemble of the face is more often a subject of ridicule than the object, as it should be, of great care and gentleness.
And yet, how many a woman's otherwise happy existence is made utterly miserable by a nose that will persist in getting red and swelling to twice its normal size, Just when she wants to look her best and make a good impression
. A beautiful nose is the greatest possible ornament to a woman's face and so rare that it at once excites the admiration. One of the physiognomists declared that there were thousands of beautiful eyes to one beautiful nose.
Sir Joshua Reynolds says that "the line that forms the arch of the nose Is beautiful when it is straight." It is said that only about three in every hundred noses are to be found directly in the middle of the face.
The bridge of the nose, which should follow a straight line drawn between the eyes, usually digresses if only in a slight degree from this line. In these days of scientific advancement, the nose can be molded to almost any shape desired.
Where the bridge of the none has been broken or destroyed by disease a surgical operation may be performed, a new bridge inserted and the now nose look quiet as well as the old one overdid. Crooked noses can be straightened even after maturity, and in early childhood, owing to the soft nature of the cartilages that form the nostrils, the shape of the lower part of the nose may be greatly improved by gentle, continued pressure.
Stroking the nose downward will often straighten out the saucy curve of a "tip-tilted" nose. The nose is an extremely sensitive feature and resents roughness by becoming red and swollen and assuming curves that detract from its symmetry. However, any nose, be it ever so perfectly modeled, is a sore trial to a woman, when, without any apparent provocation, it becomes red and blotchy or develops an unsightly crop of blackheads.
And when the nose shines equal to an inextinguishable searchlight woman feels that she would like to go, like the ostrich, and bury her head in the sand. A red nose is usually an outward sign of some stomach derangement, although it may result from a variety of causes, such as a weakened circulation, garments that are too tight, or from irritation produced by too rough usage of the handkerchief.
And very often it is caused by a tendency to erysipelas. Outward applications will be of little use until the presumable cause has been removed.
If it is indigestion, remedy this by rigid abstemiousness from all greasy foods. Look not upon the paßtrles when they are tempting, and close your nostrils to the appetizing odor of cakes and goodies as they issue from the oven.
The acidity of the stomach, which is a cause of red noses, can sometimes be entirely overcome by drinking several times a day a glass of pure water, as hot as can be taken. When the trouble arises from poor circulation the following treatment is often successful.
It is what the French call in the aromatic bath— with massage after Rosemary tops, 1000 grams. Boiling water, 10 quarts.
Bicarbonate of soda, 250 grams. Pour the boiling water on the leaves; let stand half an hour; strain; add the soda, and pour all into the warm water prepared for the bath. While the inward cause is being removed, outward applications may be made.
About the best of these is witch hazel. Dabble this on the inflamed nose several times a day. A shiny nose is an infallible sign of overindulgence in those things which one should not eat. Mineral waters are a most excellent corrective for a skin that is too liberally endowed with natural oils. Eat plenty of green crisp salad, and invest your next month's pin money in a box of big, ripe, rosy-cheeked apples. A noted Paris specialist says that a woman who eats three or four apples a day cannot be ugly.
The apple acts on the liver gives a beautiful complexion and is fattening. Sometimes a shiny nose may be entirely cured by bathing the whole face daily in a quart of warm water in which a very small lump of common washing soda has been dissolved. Another excellent remedy that will often prove a rapid transit line to happiness for the woman whose nose persists in outshining every electric light In the neighborhood Is the following:
Lavender Lotion.
Alcohol, four ounces.
Ammonia, one ounce.
Oil of lavender, one gram.
Mix, by shaking in a six-ounce bottle Add one scant teaspoonful of this to two quarts of warm water when the face is washed. Used in such proportions it is excellent, but if more of the lotion is added it will, in time, make the skin too dry and harsh. This is one of the things that will have a very good effect If used in small quantity.
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