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Friday, December 10, 2021

Living Room Decorating, Tips and Ideas.


Living room decor

Living Room Decoration, Arrangement, Tips, and Ideas that no interior decorator will tell you.

  1.       “Living room should  match with the age of the people living In It; as the woman of the house grows aged and her skills become more mature, the living room should, in turn, become decorous.”  

  2. There are many things, which help to design a room habitable important among them are comfort, and ease.

  3.  How shall we go about it, to make a living room homelike?

  4.  First, the room must be simple; if it is full of furniture and small objects, it will look perplexed. After simplicity moves toward convenience.

  5.  Are you familiar with women who say that their houses are always upset after the company departs? Then there must be something wrong with the way the furniture is placed.

  6.  If chairs and sofas are assembled for conversation, if lamps are positioned where they are convenient, and if plain passageways are left between doorways, and between various centers of movement in the room, it will not be required to move lamps and furniture every time they are used.

  7.  In the average living room, there should be a place for friendly talk, requiring thoughtful grouping' of chairs.

  8.  There should be places for members of the family to study, with easy chairs and convenient, well-shaded reading lights.

  9. There may "be a place for writing, calling for a desk or table, and good light "by day as well as night.

  10. There may be a music group, too; if probable, this should "be disconnected from the conversation center and from the desk.

  11.  In fact, let the interests of everybody, young and old; be symbolized in this family living room.

  12.  After we have sketched the various groups for our homelike living room, the next step is to organize the furniture in a tidy manner.

  13.  Large sections of furniture should be placed to tag along the lines of the room, and to balance each other against the four walls.

  14. After the larger pieces of furniture have been placed, so that the room looks balanced, we may alleviate the uncovered places with smaller objects.

  15.  Is there a space, which looks too empty? A picture, or an interesting fabric, a small table, or a bowl of flowers, may add a pleasant inflection to empty wall spaces.

  16.  Certainly, we do not want many large bare places in our living room, for they have an unsettling influence.

  17. Now, how about the smaller things? It is through well-selected accessories, such as books or pictures, that the greatest amount of attraction and confidence comes to a home.

  18.  Do you know that so simple a thing as the display of books will add to, or detract from the beauty of a room?

  19. The very plainest books can make a stunning effect in a room if they are put together according to size and color.

  20.  To do this, so that the result may be practical as well as beautiful, separate the books according to their subject matter, and then, within these groups, place the colors, and the light and dark books, so that they will present the appearance of a stabilized group, rather than a light book here and there, an occasional dark one, and "bright ones spread all about.

  21. Keep the lighter books near the top, and in the region of the centerline.

  22.  Books and magazines, within easy reach, will do more than anything else to make the living room seem homelike.

  23.  Books are always more inviting if they are positioned on open shelves, instead of being shut off behind glass doors. 

  24. All the objects used for decorative points should be beautiful, and they should be suited to the owners, to the room, in which they are placed.

  25.  Among things which will help out to make a room comfortable and charming, are good pictures; flowers, or pussywillows and winter berries when fresh flowers are not obtainable; something to read; a workbox near "by with a bit of sewing; footstools; and a few simple, well-designed lamps, conveniently placed.

  26. There is a question to answer today, while we are on the subject of living room decoration. "What colors are finest for lampshades?"

  27. In choosing colors for lampshades, three things must "be well-thought-out: first, the color effect in the room in daylight; Second, the color effect in the room at night; and third, the effect of the color at night upon the people in the room.

  28. The lamplight should have a cozy, bright quality, which will extend a soft glow over the full room.

  29. In living room decoration hard, "bright colors, such as red and bright rose, are not very satisfying on lamps, and they stand out too noticeably in the room.

  30.  What are some of the enjoyable colors? Soft grayed tones of yellow-orange, orange, red-orange, and occasionally a dull old rose color.

  31. Sometimes 'beautiful effects can be attained by using two or more layers of the semi-transparent material, of different colors, over each other, the outer layer to harmonize with the room in daylight, and the inner colors to give the beautiful night effects.

  32.  The third consideration is the effect of the color at night, upon the people in the room. Be cautious for strong blues, purples, and greens these colors, on lampshades, make people appear like ghosts.

  33.  If these colors are preferred for living room decoration — the strong blues, purples, and greens — utilize them for a thin outer covering, with a lining of yellow-orange, red-orange, or rose color, so that the light will be becoming.   

  34. Good furniture is the best kind to buy. Every piece of furniture should be well constructed and suited to its purpose and its surroundings.

  35. The average house of today is small, and its rooms look crowded indeed when furnished with the large, heavy pieces of furniture that look so well in a big house.

  36.  Take large upholstered davenports, for example; they may be just the thing, in a large room, but smaller rooms should have sofas, which are smaller in scale.

  37.  It is wise economy to get a well-made davenport in a temporary covering, such as denim, rather than to pay the same amount for one, which is poorly constructed, but covered with expensive material.

  38. There are many satisfactory substitutes for the large upholstered davenport. The willow day beds and davenports are comfortable and attractive; and even cheaper than there is the cot, which may be covered with denim or some other suitable material.

  39.  After the room has been successfully furnished, to the point of having walls and ceilings that are good, and furniture that is comfortable, suitable, and beautiful in line and color, we can bring into it the things that we particularly enjoy handling or looking at, provided they are good in design.

  40.  We may use our favorite colors in a textile, flowers, pieces of the potter; or candles; we may have the magazines and books we are reading, on convenient tables — these are some of the ways of making a living room homelike.

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