#fruits and vegetable benefits
#interesting facts about vegetables
#vegetable facts for kids
#facts about vegetables
#facts about fruits and vegetable nutrition
#50 interesting facts about the fruit
#50 interesting facts about vegetables
Prune nutritional value.
This fruit has long been known as the most nutritious value wholesome of all our healing fruits, and when properly! prepared for the table it is also the tastiest and dainty. Prunes hold from 10 to 12 percent of sugar, which produces heat and fat in the animal system.
They also carry a small percentage of proteins or muscle-producing properties.
In other words, prunes have the food properties of starch fats, and lean meats and are capable of sustaining life for a long time. The prune gives heat, strength, and energy to the system.
A laboring man will find that a meal consisting of a cup of coffee, an egg, and a liberal dish of prunes, with bread and butter, will sustain him in full vigor during four to six hours of moderate work
It has cool laxative effects, eaten in any manner you may prepare it, and it Is excessively wholesome and useful in nearly all forms of chronic constipation.
. Prunes are especially useful in regulating the bowels of children, by giving a child three or four prunes between meals every day.
Prunes are a nutritious fruit, a popular choice in health and fitness circles. They are an excellent source of vitamin A and they contribute to the daily needs for thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin in the diet.
The prune also rates high as an excellent source of iron. And along with apricots and peaches, one study reports the prune second to the liver in its red cell restoration potency. Prunes are high in potassium, yet low in sodium. A one-half cup serving of dried cooked prunes or four ounces of prune juice contains over 350 milligrams of potassium.
This compares to one small banana, which contains 370 milligrams of potassium and is generally recognized as one of the best food sources of potassium. And prunes are a good source of fiber, a quality lacking in many modern-day diets, which tend to be high in refined foods.
Those on low-sodium diets will be happy to know that five prunes have only 1.5 milligrams of sodium.
If you're on diuretic medication you may need additional potassium in the form of a potassium supplement or high potassium foods (such as prunes, oranges, bananas) or both.
Lemons are an excellent remedy for pulmonary disease.
The pear tree will continue bearing fruit for several centuries.
The cherry, the peach, and the plum al! originally came from Persia.
Strawberries are regarded as particularly good for sciatica and gout. At one time strawberries were sold strung on straws. Thus they got their name.
The banana Is a perfect food. Weight for weight It is claimed to be less nutritious than a beefsteak.
About one pineapple In 20,000 has seeds In It, and from these seeds, new varieties are produced.
Unsweetened lemonade would often lie more wholesome, but a scant teaspoonful to tho glass renders it much more palatable.
Of all foodstuffs, none are more wholesome and pleasing than fruits that nature so abundantly provides us with. Their delicate hues and perfect outlines appeal to our sense of beauty while their delicious flavors gratify our appetite. The ripe fruit is a most healthy article of diet and they should always appear on the breakfast table and be freely indulged in.
A breakfast of fruit is an ideal way of beginning the day, as the Americans do, and it has been even suggested that to induce more eating of the fruit, is to have them always as table decorations.
But in cases where uncooked fruit cannot be freely eaten, many kinds may be cooked and prove valuable, and maybe thus safely eaten with any meal. The fruit is chiefly valuable for the sugar, salts, and the variety of agreeable acids they are composed of which gives tone to the human system. Fruit besides being cooling, refreshing, and stimulating, acts as a tonic and assists in purifying the blood and thereby helping to keep the vital machinery in good working order. The diet must contain the right proportion of fruit if health is to be maintained.
The most important function of fruit is to adjust the balance of the blood salts which it accomplishes by means of its acids and salts, as a too acid state of the blood predisposes it to disease.
The mineral salts of fruit help to keep the blood in a normal alkaline condition. Fruit as food is of trifling value apart from small and varying percentages of sugar. Fruit besides giving us valuable acids and salts, yields the highly important factor, the Vitamins, in a large measure.
Some fruits, such as the orange and the tomato, yield the three Vitamins A. B. and C. but all fruits are rich in Vitamin C. the lack of which causes dull and blotchy skins and low resistance to disease.
Apples and lemons are excellent sources of Vitamins B. and C. To get the full vitamin value of fruit, it is most important to eat them fresh, as in most cases cooking the fruit removes the vitamins. When it cannot be served fresh, stewing is the best method to employ as the valuable juices are retained.
The composition of fruit consists of sugars, starches, cellulose, pectin, and organic acids which later form the special value of the fruit. The organic acids contained in fruit are citric, malic, tartaric, and oxalic, and these acids exist chiefly in union with alkalies in various quantities and combinations.
The starch contained in fruit is converted into glucose during the ripening process. In some fruits, there are two or more acids present, as malic and citric acids are present in apples, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, and cherries, whereas in cranberries both the above-named acids and oxalic acid are found.
Certain fruits have some virtue peculiar to them; for instance, it is said that the orange will often prevent influenza, while lemons act favorably on the liver.
Small-seeded fruits such as currants, raspberries, figs, and pear are splendid laxatives The grape is especially beneficial in cases of fever.
The. melon is found to be a kidney cleanser, while pineapple taken after a heavy meal, is a valuable digestive agent.
Apricots are sedatives. The juice of the black currant is a good remedy for inflamed throat and the apple cleanses the teeth and keeps them antiseptic, and besides, it is a most valuable fruit as it contains phosphorus as well.
Lemon contains citric acid and in diseases such as Rheumatism and Gout, it is invaluable. Rhubarb contains oxalic acid and is good for the liver.
Many scientific authorities consider the use of fruit very beneficial in cases of liver and kidney affections, Rheumatism and Gout.
For those who are restricted from the use of much sugar in their diet, it is important to remember that plums, peaches, apricots, and raspberries have less sugar than other fruits.
Those fruits containing the largest amount of sugar are apples, sweet cherries, grapes and pears, dates, figs, prunes also bananas; but the latter is the most nutritious fruit as it contains more carbohydrates than other fruits and has more fuel value. Among the fruits which contain the largest amount of water may be mentioned melons, oranges, lemons, and grapes.
Vegetable facts
Spinach, containing as it does a large amount of iron, can scarcely be ignored as a vegetable dish. Rhubarb is rich in oxalic acid,which does much to tone up the system. Onions contain much nutrition but are most valuable for their pungent oil, which is rich in sulfur.
Asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, and celery are chiefly valued for their mineral salts and for the bulk, variety, and relish they give the diet.
Cabbage contains a great deal of sulfur and for this reason, frequently causes flatulence. Cauliflower, which is of the same family, is more easily digested.
Celery is said to be more digestible and cooked than raw. Beets, carrots, and parsnips all contain a large percentage of .sugar.
Carrots and parsnips when young and tender are very nutritious.
Some vegetables have considerable medicinal value as well, and it may be interesting to the reader to know the following.
Onions are said to contain iodine, and in lettuce, there is natural opium; so both these combined juices are recommended for insomnia and neuralgia.
Celery has been found to be beneficial to the nervous system and of great value in cases of Rheumatism and Gout.
Spinach acts as a diuretic and has a direct action upon the kidneys. Asparagus and Tomato purify the blood.
Beets and turnip are excellent appetizers and a tonic as well. The fresh juice of garlic with a small quantity of milk has proved very efficacious in cases of chronic cough and lung troubles and recommended by an eminent doctor for tuberculosis; as it has been found that the powerful juice reaches every pore of the lung and destroys the germs quicker than any other drug.
Water-cress is known as a blood purifier and it also acts as a gentle stimulant and diuretic. Iron is said to be associated with the green coloring matter of leaves comprising all kinds of greens and also tender shoots and according to Sherman, the iron found in these is the best compared to the iron found in meat.
Potato is rich in potassium, and Parsnip is rich in phosphorus. Food lime is needed for the bones, muscles, and heart.
Among the vegetables richest in lime are greens, peas, beans, and lentils. Among the Indian vegetables may be mentioned the one variety available throughout the year, is the eggplant (Brinjal) in Tamil Kathercoy. This vegetable is
The most important factor, from the point of view of food values, are the mineral salts contained in vegetables, which are essential for cleansing the blood, for tissue building, and for many other curative purposes, (essential though used in small quantities when compared with other foodstuffs); and they form, it is said, Alkalies (bases) in the body, which neutralizes acid production by protein food, hence meat and vegetables should go together for a mixed diet, as the usual meat diet has been proved unhygienic without their cooperation.
.“ There is less uric acid derived in vegetables than meat foods, that vegetables are a good source of the Vitamins and there is less risk of poisoning the body through the channels of the blood by decomposed vegetable than by decomposed animal food, and the presence of cellulose (fibrous material) in vegetables helps to keep the mass of digested food loose and it food loose and it stimulates the movements of stomach and intestine.”
Infirmity could be avoided by greater use of fresh young vegetables and fruit as they are rich in mineral salts and vitamins, the guardians of our physical well-being, and if the body is wanting in these, several disorders arise. So it is highly essential that some fresh fruit or green salad be taken daily with food and it would be a good plan to start the day with fruit at breakfast as the Americans do; and at tea time instead of jam, it would be better to serve tomato, cress or lettuce sandwiches.
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